Why I prefer a small hotel over a star hotel

The feeling starts the moment the car enters the parking lot. My car remains unchanged, it is recognized as it enters. Balu is deployed in my service from that moment onward. The greeting is indeed warm, whatever is the length of absence. The feeling of homecoming overcomes you in the parking itself. The stress of the journey vanishes into thin air & I start feeling fresh. Luggage is unloaded & after more warm greetings at the reception, it is carried into my favorite room No. 306.

The familiarity, the arrangement just like home. The door opens and in walks Balu with a flask of tea. But wait! I don’t remember ordering tea. But then I remember. It is just like at home where I ask my wife for a cup of tea regardless of the time I reach home. An hour later, in walks Balu again, this time with dinner two chappatis, one vegetable with gravy, roasted masala papad, green salad & lime juice soda sweet. Perfect. ! Just like at home. Breakfast the next morning & the on the days that follow is a similar ritual. Morning tea at 6;30 am. One of the four of my favorite dishes for breakfast all got in by Balu. My choices, my favorite dishes, my favorite person to serve all taken care. Just like at home. The hotel is small yet ultra clean. The feeling is warm and homelike. Now, why would I prefer any other place for my stay when I have a home away from home?

Written By
Dr. Rasika Gumaste

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