Susheela Morab

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Susheela Morab

Perusing an education from any Institution is almost the same, as syllabus and subjects are same. But my journey at AISSMS College of Hotel Management & Catering Technology, made me realize that how equally a bunch of good faculties, infrastructure, facilities and that extra push/motivation from an institution plays a vital role. I’m very grateful to my college that it didn’t only taught me the university syllabus but also the syllabus for my bright career hence I can proudly say that today I’m hired as an Assistant Manager Business Development for an Investment Management company in within two years of my career.
The biggest asset of AISSMS College of Hotel Management & Catering Technology is their intellectual and friendly faculties who know how to blend the lessons for life along with the curriculum

Susheela Morab Asistant manager business development , Grow Wealth - Happy Investors AISSMS - College of Hotel Management & Catering Technology 28 Dec 2019

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